Saturday, January 5, 2013

Two Thoughts for the Day

From two good friends today come these words in some email exchanges.  It is always good to reflect once in awhile.  The second is in response to the first.

"If we look at the world we see arts for sale.  Men use equipment to sell their own selves.  As if with the nut and the flower, the nut has become less than the flower.  In this kind of Way of strategy, both those teaching and those learning the way are concerned with coloring and showing off their technique, trying to hasten the bloom of the flower.  They speak of 'This Dojo' and 'That Dojo.'  They are looking for profit.  Someone once said, 'Immature strategy is the cause of grief.'  That was a true saying." 

Miyamoto Musashi, Ground Book, Go Rin No Sho, (20th year of Kanei - circa 1645AD) 

This comes from Koichi Tohei, former 10th Degree in Aikido:

“SETSUDO (Teaching the Way of the Universe)

Selfish men have never understood and travelled the way of the universe in the past.  Therefore when we realize the principles and way of the universe, the universe gives us the responsibility to spread it to the world.

Do not think that you cannot help another man.  What you learn today, you can teach another the next day.  The worlds is full of people who have lost the way of the universe and suffer from mental illness.  Let us do our best to explain the correct principles of the universe to them. “

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